painted egg tree nursing home Chesterfield

Our residents really enjoyed participating in Easter crafts, especially making our own Easter bonnets!

Our hallway looked beautiful and colourful as it was decorated with hand made Easter eggs, which the residents had created and hung on our Easter tree.

painted egg tree nursing home Chesterfield

Everyone wore their own crafted Easter bonnets on Easter Sunday and we all enjoyed an Easter lunch followed by a glass of fizz!

We had a small raffle over Easter, which raised a grand total of £81.50. This money has gone into the residents’ fund for future activities. A huge THANK-YOU to all who bought a Raffle Ticket.

Saturday 10th April was Grand National Day and our Residents all picked out a couple of horses at random. We excitedly watched the race on TV in the lounge and there were a few shots and whistles towards the end to cheer the winner, Minella Times, on to victory!

Our residents have also enjoyed playing Bingo, ball games and 10 pin bowling, with fierce competition.

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