Make & Bake Cake Sale

We would like it invite everyone to our make and bake cake sale on Thursday 16th June from 2pm – 4pm. The event will take place at The Garden House, 24 Humberston Avenue. We are hosting this event to raise money for the Alzheimer Society and to celebrate National Care Homes open day. During the day we will be selling cakes and would be very grateful for any donations of either homemade or shop bought cakes. Our wonderful cooks have already started us off with a lovely selection of homemade cakes and buns. Please join us for a day of fun, laughter and memories. Refreshments available.

St James Church entertain residents with monthly service

On the first Wednesday of every month Rotherwood Care Home are visited by the vicar from our local church. Residents here have been brushing up on their singing skills so that they can join in and sing along during the service.

Each month the vicar tries to bring along a different musical instrument for the residents to hear, this month he introduced to us the ukulele and the kazoo. We started off by singing a few favourites including The Jungle Book- I wanna be like you and Johnny Cash- You are my sunshine. Towards the end of the service we all joined in with the Lord’s Prayer and then finished with a beautiful song from the 1890’s called ‘Keep on the sunny side’.

The positive impact this has on the residents can be felt throughout the home for days. We would like to say a huge thankyou to St James Church for making this possible.

We look forward to next month’s visit where we will be visited by the church choir.

Generous Donations at Bank Close House

During the past couple of weeks Bank Close House have received some really generous donations. The family members of two past service users have very kindly donated a total of £520 to the home.

A service user meeting was arranged and there we discussed how the money could be best spent in a way that would benefit all of our service users. We all agreed on buying new garden furniture for our beautiful garden and putting up a plaque in memory of our dearly missed service users.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank both families for their donations. We are extremely grateful and are looking forward to updating our garden area this summer.

Happy 102nd Birthday John

Over the years a lot of things have changed. There has been the introduction of colour TV’s, computers and the latest invention the smart phone.

One gentleman at Rotherwood Care Home has witnessed all of these changes in technology as well as many other historical events.

On the 3rd of May 2016 we came together to celebrate Johns 102nd birthday by hosting a party in his honour. Our in-house cook prepared a beautiful buffet, Tesco in Rotherham kindly donated a personalised birthday cake and we even had a visit from our local Mayor.

The day was of great success and was enjoyed by all.

Many happy returns John.

Spring Fair Celebration

On the 24th March, staff, residents and family members of Bank Close House, Chesterfield came together for our annual Spring Fair celebration were we raised a total of £86.

During the event we had live music played by our local Ukulele band (which the residents loved as always), we had a lovely buffet prepared in house by our very talented cook, a variety of different stalls and a cake sale.

The money we raised is always greatly received and will go towards the residents activity funds which we use for activity supplies, for regular out of house entertainers to come into the home and for any future events.

We all had a fantastic day and are now looking forward to our *Summer Fair which will be held on the 23rd July 2016. We hope to see you all there.


*Further information about the Summer Fair will follow shortly.