staff dressed up care home Rotherham

VE Day Celebrations at Rotherwood Care Home Rotherham

Here at Rotherwood Care Home in Rotherham our residents had the most wonderful VE day preparations and celebrations last week.

VE Day celebrations Rotherham Nursing Home VE Day celebrations Rotherham Nursing Home VE Day celebrations Rotherham Nursing Home VE Day celebrations Rotherham Nursing Home VE Day celebrations Rotherham Nursing Home

Andrea and our lovely staff trimmed the home beautifully with all sorts of decorations, including ones made by the residents.

VE Day decorations nursing home Rotherham VE Day decorations nursing home Rotherham VE Day decorations nursing home Rotherham

On the day, our staff came in fancy dress and the morning was spent watching old war movies.

staff dressed up care home Rotherham

Later on we had all sorts of activities and games, including a game of World War II themed skittles, which everyone enjoyed and which got quite competitive!

skittles game care home Rotherham skittles game care home Rotherham skittles game care home Rotherham skittles game care home Rotherham skittles game care home Rotherham skittles game care home Rotherham

War-time songs were being played, which residents were singing to along to with our staff and the activities coordinator.

Our thoroughly enjoyable VE Day celebrations were finished off with a lovely buffet tea, along with red, white and blue cupcakes.

buffet tea nursing home Rotherham buffet tea nursing home Rotherham buffet tea nursing home Rotherham buffet tea nursing home Rotherham buffet tea nursing home Rotherham buffet tea nursing home Rotherham